Groups come in all shapes and sizes, are comprised of a variety of people brought together by any number of unifying qualities, and, by their very nature, are all perfect for the fun, adventure, and excitement of whitewater rafting. Just give us a call and we'll start you down the road to our river centre.
Group Trips Tips

Plan podróży

We are very experienced in arranging parties and customizing outdoor activity packages. We have great local knowledge of the surrounding areas, which allows us to arrange the perfect event for you. We can provide any of our amazing rafting activities in combination with hiking, biking, horseback riding, canyoning, or cruising including accommodation and meals. 

We can cater to parties of all sizes and understand that you may not have definite numbers until closer to the event date. We can give a quote that is flexible allowing your group to grow without charging any additional admin fees. Give us a call at +382 69 310 848 or send us an email at [email protected] to discuss your party ideas and requirements. We will provide recommendations and customize your party based on your ideas and budget. 

Our most popular multi-day options involve the most exciting rafting trip through the bottom part of the Tara River starting from Scepan Polje. Over the years we have organized outdoor adventure trips for swimming teams, football clubs, handball squads and many more. 

Special generous rafting discounts for the One-day rafting trip on the Tara River from Scepan Polje: 

- With every 7 paid rafters, the 8th is half fare.

- 15 paid rafters, 1 is free.

- 22 paid rafters, 23rd & 24th are free, and so on

Have a really large group? Contact us for special pricing and expert assistance with booking your big group raft trip. 

Team building 

Sport creates links and strengthens relationships between people, that's why we have everything it requires to create a perfect team-building program! Combine your next meeting with a thrilling white water rafting session in the idyllic surroundings of Northern Montenegro. The great outdoors is a fantastic motivator and the perfect way to refresh delegates before; during or after your next meeting. Write us which is your aim for the team and we will create together a program based on what you wish to achieve: concentration, teamwork, friendship, relations between teammates... 

We can also provide all-inclusive packages, with accommodation in the cabins and chalets or in the camping sites. If you have specific goals you wish to achieve or any special requirements, we can offer tailor-made packages to suit your group. To discuss a bespoke event, contact the booking office on 00382 69 310 848 or e-mail [email protected]  Click below to see our most popular team building activities: 

- Three Day Ultimate Rafting Escape

- Thrilling Wild Rivers

- Wildlife & Wildwater 

School journeys 

Rafting is a safe activity, even for kids! If you're a professor and you’re looking for ideas for your group of kids, please, don't hesitate to write us, to know more about specific programs for kids or children. We can organize a day or a journey of more days, including activities, accommodation, and whatever more comes to your mind, like workshops, educational visits, etc. We cordially recommend following programs: 

- Splashdown Scouts Package

- Rafting & Hiking & Biking

- Raft on Tara & Hike from Trsa 

Bachelor/Bachelorette parties 

If a friend of yours is getting married, surprise him/her with a full day of strong emotions: adrenaline, relax, beauty, party... We can celebrate together by organizing activities combined to parties or aperitifs at our Waterfall Centre and if you wish we can engage Animation Company or a live band... If you can't find your idea written in the website, then just write it to us and we'll be pleased to make your dreams become reality. We also have trips where the bachelor/bachelorette is FREE. Write us to have more info, and check out the following programs:

- Two Days Tara River Rafting Getaway

- Kayak on Piva & Raft on Tara

- One-day high rafting adventure

Birthday Parties at Rafting Centre Waterfall 

Celebrate your birthday in style and book an adventure that you and your friends will never forget! With special discounts for groups, check out our range of activities that can be tailored to suit your needs. We can order a wonderful birthday cake, extraordinary fireworks, balloons, music band or animation team.. Just give us a call +382 69 310 848 or write us [email protected] on time!


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Proč si vybrat pravě nás?

Proto že jsme zařazeni mezi nejlepší společnosti v Černé Hoře:

Fantastyczne przygody
Zapewniamy wszystko - doświadczonych przewodników i obsługę, doskonałą obsługę, profesjonalny sprzęt, niesamowite jedzenie, komfortowe zakwaterowanie i wspomnienia na całe życie
Profesjonalny personel
Wykształcony i doświadczony zespół rezerwacyjny, licencjonowani przewodnicy, wykwalifikowani szefowie kuchni, przyjaźni i szanowani menedżerowie
Bez zmartwień i stresu
Planujesz rodzinne wakacje lub wycieczkę grupową? Potrzebujesz transportu, zakwaterowania, specjalnego programu dietetycznego? Zadbamy o każdy aspekt Twojego urlopu!
Rodinná firma
Naším hlavním cílem je, aby vaše dovolená opravdu byla výjimečná. Rádi se s vámi podělíme o naši lásku k přírodě a učiníme z vašeho pobytu nezapomenutelný zážitek

4 Najbardziej ekscytujące przygody w północnej Czarnogórze



Trzydniowy, ekstremalny spływ Tarą

Trzydniowy, ekstremalny spływ Tarą

Jednodniowy adrenalinu rafting

Jednodniowy adrenalinu rafting


